Ahmad Tea has always maintained a working environment which upholds each individual to their highest potential. We foster working relationships based on dignity and respect and pursue our business with the aim of enriching the standard of living for all connected to our brand.
In particular, Ahmad Tea continues to improve its practices to identify and eliminate any slavery and human trafficking in its business and supply chains, in accordance to Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act (UK) 2015. Ahmad Tea will not knowingly support or do business with any person or organisation involved in slavery or human trafficking.
In order to act ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships, Ahmad Tea has taken the preventative steps to put Social Responsibility Standards in place.
- Ahmad Tea’s Social Responsibility Standards, which includes provisions against modern slavery and human trafficking, child labour and forced and compulsory Labour and forms the basis of every contract of employment we have in place.
- Ahmad Tea’s Social Responsibility Standards for Suppliers and Affiliates, which forms the basis of any business relationship we enter into.
Policies are in place to minimise any risk of slavery and trafficking in our supply chains by providing due diligence checks on our new contracts and suppliers.
To this end, Ahmad Tea has the following procedures in place:
- Improve our procurement processes by asking suppliers to sign a declaration against slavery and other forms of abusive forced labour and to send us annual reports to show compliance with our Code of Conduct.
- Recruitment training includes specific training on modern slavery and anti-human trafficking.
- Awareness training for staff to update them on these policies and standards and to put in place a process of reporting any suspicious activity or concerns that they may have.
- Ensure the Code of Conduct is clearly visible and accessible in each of our offices and factories operating under our brand.
- Clear guidance has been given as to whom to contact in the event of any concerns arising from the Code of Conduct and a reporting procedure put in place.
We will continue to assess our supply chains and increase our vigilance in our decisions to work with suppliers and distributors.
Specifically, we require the following commitments from our suppliers, contractors and distributors:
- The Social Responsibility Standards to be signed as part of our contractual terms of business.
- Compliance report to be submitted to us on an annual basis clearly explaining what steps have been taken to uphold the Social Responsibility Standards.
- Any breach of the Social Responsibility Standards will be a breach of contract terms and will terminate our business relationship. Ahmad Tea will report unlawful behaviour to the relevant authorities.
In order to give this process a human face, we have appointed a Legal Officer for Ahmad Tea Global Group who monitors the Social Responsibility Standards and receives any concerns arising from them. Our Legal Officer, who is qualified in Human Rights Law, is responsible for monitoring any risk of slavery or human trafficking within the company and to carry out our annual audit of compliance.
Our Legal Officer is required to recommend ways in which we can improve our due diligence and continue to maintain our high standards. Ms Zahra Afshar is our Legal Officer and can be contacted via her email
If you have any queries regarding this Statement please write to our Human Rights Officer on her email or at:
The Legal Department, Ahmad Tea Ltd, Winchester Road, Chandler’s Ford, Hampshire, England, UK, SO53 2PZ
We endeavour to uphold this Statement, together with Ahmad Tea’s Social Responsibility Standards as best we can and with as much transparency as is achievable. We continue to be monitored by external auditors to ensure our business practices, quality and environmental standards and our management is to the highest standard.
Approved by Mr Rahim Afshar, Chairman for Ahmad Tea on the 12th March 2019